Holiday notes and a spit-take.

Holiday notes and a spit-take.

Dec 29

I’m back from a one-week trip to Calgary (Dallas of the North), Alberta (Texas of the North) to visit family. For Christmas I got… norovirus! Or something. Not food poisoning. And Influenza doesn’t actually cause vomiting and other… expulsions. Plus, it only lasted a day and bit, so I’m betting norovirus. Lemme tell ya, the abs work-out is spectacular.

Otherwise it was a laid back, quiet affair (with a time-delayed Christmas dinner to accommodate my illness – bah. Humbug!) Got Lost season three, got Little Britain Abroad, got Guitar Hero 3, got a whack load of books, including I Killed (a nice companion to The Aristocrats or Seinfeld’s Comedian.

Last of my store credit at Best Buy; hovering over the Checkout button for a camcorder-to-computer kit thing and the Blade Runner 4-disc set. Have never seen Blade Runner so am sorta thinking I need to rectify that before I get shot by some indignant nerd who decides to find my address and hunt me down for my ignorance.

Holy shit! What!? WHAAAAT!?

Matt, if you’re reading this, it means you’re not watching Blade Runner. And I have your address. You gave it to me.

I will use it. Don’t make me use it.

PS You don’t need the five disc set, but pay it forward and get yourself the four disc set. Don’t give in and get the two disc set. You should have a copy of the original version narrated by Harrison Ford. Most will say they hate it. They are idiots. Without the narration it’s brilliant. With it, it’s brilliant and noir.

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