Kanye teh nerd

Kanye teh nerd

Oct 30

My respect for Kanye spiked when he went off-script on the Katrina fund-raiser, waned with his post-loss Grammy rant, and then spiked to new heights when his new single dropped. If you can rap over Daft Punk, you’re my hero. Automatically.

And when the video came out, well. I heart Kanye.

It’s not often rap and various electronica acts pay direct homage to their sampled sources, especially in their videos (start with Run DMC’s Walk This Way and start counting. Tell me when you get to ten) – so it was a huge treat to see Daft Punk (or at least their Robot Counterparts) guest-star in Kanye’s Stronger video.

But to make the whole video a giant, live-action nod to Akira. Let’s just say, if my… symptoms… persist for more than three hours, I’m going to have to see my doctor.

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