Blind Genre Item!

Blind Genre Item!

Aug 09

I’ve been thinking that it would be fun to do the occasional Blind Genre Item on the site. I know Matt and Chris probably have some juicy ones, as do many of the other savvy Alert Nerds out there. I remembered this one the other day because of all the recent chatter about nerd culture becoming mainstream culture and geeks ruling Hollywood and so on and so forth, blah blah blarg.

OK, so back in 2001-ish, I wrote for a website with “Sci-Fi” right there in the title — we wore our nerdly colors on our sleeve before it was cool or “mainstream” (or whatever word we’re using today) to do so. I wanted to write a feature on a saucy young actress with a particularly juicy recurring role on a popular genre show. Some fans thought she was grating, but I — and others — found her glorious. I had interviewed other recurring and regular players on the series and figured she’d be cheered to find herself in their company. I submitted my little request to her people…and was snippily informed that this actress didn’t do interviews with “sci-fi websites” (emphasis was definitely on the “sci-fi” part, not the “website” part).

Uh huh.

Where is she now? I can’t offer up any more hints, as the ones I’ve given you are fairly obvious. But I will say that these days, I don’t think she’d be so quick to nix the request.


  1. Matt

    This is Whoopi Goldberg, isn’t it.

  2. Justin

    Was it Clare Kramer?

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