Hawkeye Pierce on the Zombie Apocalypse

Hawkeye Pierce on the Zombie Apocalypse

Jun 07

Poking around the World War Z website, I made a strange discovery – if you go to the world map and click on Tao, New Mexico, you’ll hear a snippet of the book as read by Alan Alda. The site doesn’t say it’s him, but trust me, it’s Alda. After 34 years of M*A*S*H repeats (lovingly, I should clarify), I’d know that voice anywhere.

I can only assume that it’s taken from the audiobook version. I’m not a big fan of audiobooks – but given that this is an entire book collecting various first-person recollections of the war against the zombies, I think I might like this audiobook. I’ve downloaded their 10 part, expurgated podcast of the audiobook, so I guess I’ll know soon enough.

Plus, y’know, Hawkeye Pierce is in it, so it’s kind of hard to resist. I wonder who else will put in a vocal cameo.

[update] Thanks to Mark, I had to find out who the entire cast was. Max Brooks is on it, but then Brooks is a regular voice actor in Saturday morning cartoons, so that’s not a surprise.

Max Brooks as Max Brooks
Alan Alda as Arthur Sinclair
Carl Reiner as Jurgen Warbrunn
Jurgen Prochnow as Philip Adler
Waleed Zuiater as Saladin Kader
Dean Edwards as Joe Muhammad
Michelle “Mrs. Max Brooks and playwright” Kholos as Jesika Hendricks
Maz Jobrani as Ahmed Farahnakian
Mark Hamill as Todd Wainio
Henry Rollins as T. Sean Collins
Eamonn “Hey, It’s That Guy!” Walker as David Allen Forbes
and Xolelwa Azania
Ajay Naidu as Ajay Shah
John Turturro as Seryosha Garcia Alvarez
Dennis “Hey, It’s That Guy Too!” Boutsikaris as General Travis D’Ambrosia
Becky Ann Baker as Christina Eliopolis
Steve Park as Kwang Jingshu (I know the name, but a NASCAR driver is confusing google)
Frank “New York Theatre Dude – no good links” Kamai as Nury Televaldi and Tomonaga Ijiro
Rob Reiner as “The Whacko”
John McElroy as Ernesto Olguin (not sure – Speed Network dude?)


  1. Mark

    Amazon reports that “Alan Alda, Mark Hamill, Jürgen Prochnow, Henry Rollins, John Turturro, Rob and Carl Reiner” all are involved. I didn’t recognize any of the others…

  2. Matt

    the idea of Alan Alda reading a novel about a zombie apocalypse has just made my friday morning.

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