Star Trek: TOS: SE=Teh Meh.
Star Trek: TOS: SE=Teh Meh.
Aug 31Lemme gist it for you: New FX in the OLD old episodes of Trek, supervised by Michael and Denise Okuda, who at this point are so enmeshed in Trek that I imagine Paramount keeps them locked up in a dirty cage somewhere deep beneath the lot on Melrose, tossing in laptop computers and DVDs and raw meat as needed to get the work done.
I read this news, and I found I just don’t care. Why don’t I care? I don’t know. I’m more interested in not caring than the news itself.
Am I getting old and mellow? Do I need to ingest more caffeine? Or has Star Trek really devolved to the point where they’d need to put a gun in Shatner’s mouth to get me to even give half of a shit?
I’m sure there are Trek fans someplace right now rallying petitions and organizing the picket line. I’m just sorta like, “Okay. Do it. Maybe I’ll watch it, as long as there’s none of that Star Trek 2.0 bullshit getting in the way of my TOS.” Cause that was pretty heinous.
Overall, MEH.
About the only flare of interest I can manage on this is that maybe it will result in another DVD release, which will drop the prices on the current TOS sets, which were like $100 but now are just about $70, which is still WAY outside the ballpark of a casual entertainment purchase for me, and requires some sort of holiday to initiate acquisition, such as a birthday or Xmas.