New Teevee! New Teevee! New Teevee!
New Teevee! New Teevee! New Teevee!
Aug 29Ah, fall. It brings us so much–leaf-clogged gutters, hurricanes, some beer and brats and bingo festival at my in-laws’ church that sounds DIVINE, and of course, the new TV season.
Herc’s got an indispensible list of all the shows, new and old, and their premiere dates. I’ve already printed my copy, and I will probably spend tomorrow afternoon hiding from Ernesto, at home from work and huddled far from any glass or windows, praying to Jeebus and programming the Tivo-like device provided by our cable company.
Only thing that’s struck me in checking out what I’ll be checking out is that the genre fad seems to have passed VERY quickly. Last fall was all about the hour-long conspiracy-laden sci-fi-esque series. This fall, it’s more about the heavily-episodic hour-long action-drama with one big fat ass story, a la 24 and Prison Break. Also, some decent comedy, or so I hope–is it too much to ask that the pairing of John Lithgow and Jeffrey Tambour provide me with weekly brilliance on a scale as yet unimagined?
It probably is. But I’ll check it out anyway, because it’s fall 2006, and it’s NEW TEEVEE.
I’m just not in the loop as I once was – I still haven’t seen the last half of LOST (waiting for September’s DVD release to fix that.)
I wanna check out Heroes, and the Legion cartoon. And beyond that, I haven’t got a clue. It’s a BitTorrent world, and I don’t even have time for that.