Stuff We Like This Week: May 22 Edition

Stuff We Like This Week: May 22 Edition

May 22


In an effort to combat our occasional…okay, okay, near-constant negativity, we give you a regular feature full of nothing but love — Stuff We Like This Week. Appearing every Friday, SWLTW will recap the things that have set our little nerdly hearts aflame within the past seven days.

Matt: This week, more than anything, I like the online geek community. Response to our ebook Poodoo has been terrific, and it’s because we have great friends who are willing to help out with links, check out our stuff, and support what we do. I hope we can continue to provide that same support for y’all, but if you’re in this little crazy geek blogger/twitter club, you know who you are, and THANK YOU. You’re all awesome. We’re all awesome. Awesome is awesome.

Other than that, been reading the first Star Trek: New Frontier book by Peter David, which starts…strange, but interesting. And I finally managed to get the last volume I need to have a complete set of Busiek Avengers hardcovers so I’m reading that run, which I loved, and still love, in a manly macho way.

Sarah: Well, The CW’s Reaper is all cancelled and shit. Too bad — the show really hit that sweet spot of Buffy-esque supernatural + teh funny, and the cast was an appealing gang of youngsters with a knack for comic timing. Today, I’d like to pay special tribute to Jenny Wade, who played adorable demon-trying-to-go-good Nina. I initially thought Nina was sort of Anya Lite (which is funny, because I also initially thought Anya was Cordelia Lite, which just goes to show you that I have an established pattern of being an idiot). But as Nina’s role grew and grew, it really became apparent that she had a voice all her own — chipper, eager-to-please, and occasionally frightening. Wade sparkled without being saccharine, making Nina’s relationship with hapless human Ben one I just had to root for. Plus, she has fantastic hair. I wouldn’t mind seeing a full-on spin-off devoted to Nina’s demonic struggles or whatever — at the very least, let’s get this talented gal a new gig of some kind, so she doesn’t have to be away from our TV screens for too long.

Jeff: Jason Aaron, the man who made me read/like Ghost Rider, is writing a Wolverine comic, the second issue of which came out this week. Feel free to discount my praise because I’m already a Logan-liker, but it’s aggressively good, the best solo Wolverine story I’ve read since (the also Aaron-penned) Get Mystique or Marc Guggenheim’s underrated Civil War tie-in.

The OTHER thing I liked this week is Glee. Yes, it’s basically High School Musical + Freaks And Geeks, but Ryan Murphy’s (admittedly broad) charismatically broken characters are amusing, and the music is great and fun. As a curator of “Don’t Stop Believin'” covers, I have to put the cast’s performance of the song on my list of favorites. Sarah can back me up on this. (Sarah note: Sarah does! Go here to get a proper start to your weekend.)


  1. Yay Geek Community! Still working my way through Poodoo because of midget obligations, but I like what I’ve read so far!

    If you haven’t already, Jeff, you should check out Scalped, that’s where Jason Aaron made his name and it’s pretty damn awesome.

  2. Jeff

    Dustin, it’s eerie that you say that. I’m reading Scalped for our “What Are You Waiting For?” series of posts next week, inspired by our good friends at

  3. Industry insiders confirm Hollywood Reporter’s article that ABC Studios is actively trying to sell Reaper. Syndication is a very real possiblity right now, but EVERYONE is recommending writing your affiliates! Help out! All details here:

  4. Matt

    I am behind on scalped but it is awesome. I think he also did a penguin one shot; I bet that’s good.

  5. Thea

    Aww, shucks Reaper. I loved tuning in every Tuesday, and was kinda depressed that yesterday’s season finale could quite possibly be the series finale 🙁 What a bummer.

    Haven’t checked out Aaron’s Wolverine, but I’ll probably pick it up this week!

    And, am thoroughly enjoying Poodoo! Passionate, funny, and awesome. I’ll have a review up soon 🙂

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