Dr. Horrible — Starring FELICIA DAY

Dr. Horrible — Starring FELICIA DAY

Jun 25

According to totally reliable journalistic source Twitter, certain mainstream media blogs have cut out the words “FELICIA DAY” whilst slobbering all over the Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog trailer (below — awesome, no?). In order to remedy that, I am going to just say that Dr. Horrible stars FELICIA DAY and not mention anyone else. After all, if you’re reading this site, you already know exactly what this is and exactly who is involved. So be sure to watch Dr. Horrible, featuring lovely FELICIA DAY, when it comes out this summer! And in the meantime, the trailer has some really great moments with FELICIA DAY. (Also: is that a certain pair of Buffy writers as the news anchors? I’m not even going to mention their names. I’m pretty sure you know who I’m talking about.)

Teaser from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog on Vimeo.


  1. Haha, Sarah, you’re hilarious and I love it! 🙂 Honestly, it doesn’t even matter that they leave my name out when all the cool kids on the internet mention me! We know who has more street cred!

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