The Bin–1/29/10
Jan 29We used to just like stuff every week. Now we throw that in a blender with links, videos, and random claptrap and we call it…THE BIN. It stinks like garbage but it doesn’t taste half bad.
Game’s The Same…
Jan 28“.just got more fierce.”-Slim Charles, The Wire
“Game-changer” is a pretty fucking strong term.
Like, just think of a game. Let’s use Monopoly. Let’s say they revised the rules so that instead of having the most money at the end of the game, you had to own the most properties to win.
THAT is a game changer.
Now let’s say they put Monopoly on your phone. Does that change the game? Now you can play it alone on the shitter. But it’s still Monopoly. (Technically speaking you could always play it alone on the shitter, but it is nigh-impossible to balance the board on your lap. Trust me, I’ve tried.)
The iPad looks like a potentially neat device. I kinda want one. But it doesn’t change any games, at least not yet.
Jeff Pitches Ten Horrible Marvel Comics Ideas
Jan 281. A Ronin ongoing series. Will it star Maya Lopez? Will it star Clint Barton? Will it star a new Ronin, possibly Kate Bishop?
Like the Uni-Power or the 100 Bullets briefcase, a different superhero ends up with the Ronin costume in each issue or arc. El Aguila. Killraven. Red Hulk. Deadpool. All of them could be Ronin. And then they ninja fight for 20 pages. And of course, no matter the gender or dimensions of the person in the suit, they always look like a really buff guy.
Why? Is it because the Ronin costume is…magic?
2. Beast and Thing move into an apartment together. I don’t think I need to elaborate on this beyond playing the “Odd Couple” theme and smiling maniacally.
3. Really, aren’t all those Spider-Man villains just furries when you get right down to it? And also Frog-Man. This would, of course, be a MAX series.
4. What if Weapon X made a clone using DNA from Wolverine and Deadpool?
5. Did you know that Jean Grey has been alive this whole time? She’s just been chilling in Rhode Island, running her own indie bookstore and having a flirty, will-they-or-won’t-they thing with the rugged-yet-vulnerable guy who owns the hardware store next door.
6. When he deigns to notice that his accursed foes The Avengers have a team of Young Avengers, Doom creates DOOM YOUTH in Latveria. But what does this have to do with the return of…KRISTOFF?!
7. Ken Hale, High School Math Teacher.
8. Marvel Bromance – Steve Rogers and Tony Stark take a cross country road trip in Captain America’s old van. Back-up feature – Spider-Man and Wolverine try to pick up girls and fail miserably.
9. Planet Red Hulk. World War Red Hulk. Red Skaar, Son of Red Hulk. See also: Blue Hulk, Yellow Hulk, Orange Hulk, Indigo Hulk, Violet Hulk, Hulk Corps, Hulkest Night.
10. Secret Wars III – Someone Exposes The Beyonder To Internet Culture. “Spider-Man, I must have Taco Tuesday – TODAY! For I AM FROM BEYOND!”
The Bin–1/22/10
Jan 22We used to just like stuff every week. Now we throw that in a blender with links, videos, and random claptrap and we call it…THE BIN. It stinks like garbage but it doesn’t taste half bad.
Jeff and Sarah and Caroline BS About Comics "Nostalgia"
Jan 19Alert Nerds Sarah and Jeff enjoy BS-ing about random stuff. Sometimes their friend Caroline from Fantastic Fangirls enjoys joining them for such things. Last week, a bunch of big-ass comics news came down the pike and the internet got its bitch on and the emails between this mighty trio flew fast and furious. Here’s what transpired.