If this isn't a real trailer, then I must be on Qward

If this isn't a real trailer, then I must be on Qward

May 26

It really busts my dilithium crystals that this movie is real one universe over (possibly the evil one in Fringe. The pricks.)

But that said, it’s a really clever trailer. And really, not sold on their real pick for Green Lantern.

Stuff We Like This Week: May 22 Edition

Stuff We Like This Week: May 22 Edition

May 22


In an effort to combat our occasional…okay, okay, near-constant negativity, we give you a regular feature full of nothing but love — Stuff We Like This Week. Appearing every Friday, SWLTW will recap the things that have set our little nerdly hearts aflame within the past seven days.

Crushing Moments in Geekdom

Crushing Moments in Geekdom

May 21


Pondering The Phantom Menace‘s magical tenth anniversary this week has produced a couple of semi-interesting thought blipverts for me. First of all…I’m old. Undeniably, decriptly, cantankerously old. If I had a lawn, I would defend it.

Second, what a moment that was, eh? Judging from all your Poodoo comments, everyone has a seminal TPM memory, and most of them involve dreams/childhood/formerly extensive action figure collections being crushed. For some of you, maybe it was the first time this happened. Others were already jaded, veteran fans at that point, accustomed to being disappointed because you always managed to care just a little too much.

To be honest, I don’t really recall how the raging stinkbomb that was TPM made me feel. I think I just tried to convince myself that it wasn’t that bad. It took a good, long while for the sheer, childhood-obliterating awfulness to set in.

I do, however, remember — in crystalline detail — the first time fandom absolutely crushed me. It’s one of those things that’s hideously embarrassing to recount….but aren’t all the best nerd stories?

In Comic Shops Today: Johnny Hiro Vol. 1!

In Comic Shops Today: Johnny Hiro Vol. 1!

May 20

Once in a great big blue moon, you will find a new comic that not only fulfills any expectations you may have had for it, but far surpasses them; it easily vaults over your wildest hopes and becomes something that just amuses and entertains the living shit out of you.

That comic, my friends, is Johnny Hiro.


Johnny is a busboy living in Brooklyn with his beautiful girlfriend, Mayumi. They struggle, but they make ends barely meet, and they love each other very much.

Also, Johnny has adventures. Wild, stupid, crazy fun adventures that spring whole-cloth onto the page from the brain of writer/artist Fred Chao, in some remarkable goulash of chop-socky kung fu comics, cutesy indie relationship books, and just wildly imaginative good comics.

In issue 2, for example, Johnny is chased by crazed ninja busboys, angry at him for stealing a precious lobster so that his boss, Mr. Masago, can serve it for the food editor from Vogue and save his dying restaurant. The heart of the book is a dynamic chase sequence that takes Johnny and his pursuers onto the rooftops of Brooklyn before a stunning one-page splash with follow sound effect that gives your stomach a little jump, like when Luke and Leia swing over the chasm in Star Wars.

Everything about this book just works. Johnny Hiro is an amazing, refreshing, exciting surprise–one of those books that makes you feel so glad you even bother buying and reading comics. I cannot recommend this one highly enough.

Johnny Hiro returns to shelves TODAY in a trade paperback collection–three single issues were published by AdHouse Books, who now combine those three issues with new material to create one single fantastic volume of pure awesomeocity.

Order Johnny Hiro Vol. 1 from Amazon, from a fine online comics retailer such as Heavy Ink, or from the comics emporium of your choice using Diamond order code APR090627.

Hey, New Readers!

Hey, New Readers!

May 19

The response to Alert Nerd Press’s latest work of monumental genius, Matt’s Poodoo ebook, has been absolutely freaking staggering. We’re hoping that some of you stick around for a bit, maybe subscribe to our RSS feed and check out some other posts.

Alert Nerd was founded by Matt, Chris and Sarah in 1865. Present for the explosion of the Claywater Meteorite in Wisconsin, the trio of intrepid frontiersmen (and women) used their strange new powers to preempt the age of digital publishing, and are currently suing the creators of the television program Smallville for slander. Me? I’m Jeff, the new guy. I was assigned to handle these three a few months ago after my predecessor disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

We blog a few times a week about comics, movies and any other nerdy thing we can think of. Stick around for a bit and you’ll catch the fourth issue of our pet project, Grok – an honest-to-Spock ‘zine full of original content from some of the blogosphere’s best hidden talent. The Extra Life issue is due out after the Memorial Day weekend.

In the meantime, amuse yourself by browsing the archives and by following us on Twitter and checking out our personal blogs:

Chris Stewart: @castewar / Proton Charging

Sarah Kuhn: @sarahkuhn / Great Hera!

Matt Springer: @AlertNerdMatt / POPGEEK

Jeff Stolarcyk: @TheOtherJeff / Jefferson Stolarship

And get updates about this site by following @AlertNerd.