On Being a Character Loyalist

On Being a Character Loyalist

Aug 29

I don’t really think of myself as the kind of fan who makes sweeping, “If [property I like] does [plot twist that sounds dumb/shark jumpy/whatever], then it is dead to me!!!” I’m more of a last gasp hanger-on-er. It takes a lot for me to break up with something.

It just struck me, however, that there have been a couple instances wherein I’ve sort of drifted away after swearing to “give [property I like] a chance and see where it goes” when said property killed off one of my favorite characters. In both cases, I kind of knew it was coming and I prepared myself, even though I wasn’t happy about it. And in both cases, I don’t think said property suddenly got shitty just because the people behind it killed off a key figure. I just sort of…lost interest. Does that mean that I am, above all things, a character loyalist? Without even trying to be, really?

Yakety Sax

Yakety Sax

Aug 28

Courtesy of an e-mail from my friend Melinda, here’s a fine way to spend ten minutes on a Thursday afternoon:

The Spielberg War of the Worlds…BENNY HILL STYLE!


And Lord of the Rings…BENNY HILL STYLE!

Thanks, Benny.

Happy Birthday, Jack Kirby

Happy Birthday, Jack Kirby

Aug 28

Many other fine bloggers are taking a moment today to celebrate what would have been Jack Kirby’s 91st birthday.

I’m a relatively recent Kirby Konvert; I think what pushed me over the edge was the Fourth World Omnibus Volume 1. Now I’m insatiable in consuming whatever Kirby I can get my hands on, especially his seventies work.

There is no other creator–in comics or otherwise–who literally blows my mind every time I am exposed to any of their work. Only Kirby does that for me.

Anyway, this is my favorite Kirby page. I love everything about it–the expression on Avia’s face, the dialogue (yes, I happen to love Kirby’s dialogue–it’s beat poetry for nerds), this moment of brief calm before battle tears this perfect world to shreds and leads ultimately to the battle against ultimate good and ultimate evil that is the Fourth World saga.

Thanks for everything, Jack.

My Latest Black Glove Theory

My Latest Black Glove Theory

Aug 27

I guess I’ll put a jump in for “spoilers,” although the chances I’ve managed to ferret out Grant Morrison’s mental machinations before he’s chosen to reveal them to us is indeed slim…

Poisoned Letter

Poisoned Letter

Aug 25

Just back from a week-long vacation, during which I ate ice cream EVERY NIGHT and read trashy crime noir novels courtesy of the fine people at Hard Case Crime.

Today, as we all celebrate the birthday of one Mr. Elvis Costello in our own private, spiritual ways, I’m pleased to announce that I’m writing for a new blog with my pal Jeff of Conditional Axe fame. It’s called Poisoned Letter and it’s dedicated to the music of Mr. Costello, one of those song/album blogs where every post is dedicated to examining a tune until you’ve worked your way thru the whole damned catalog.

Our “why we love EC” posts are up now, and more to come, I’m sure. So read! Listen! Enjoy! Fornicate! Whatever.