Iron Man. Comic-Con. Plus: Linkadoodledoo.
Jul 31Watch now; it may not be up again long. The Iron Man Comic-Con footage. (It gets awesome at about 1:32.)
A neat old newspaper image anchors this tale of the Battle of Los Angeles
A San Diego leftover: Futurama direct-to-DVD movie coming November 27.
Fanfic in my Mind
Jul 30The 4400 kind of blows this season. Thus, I spend most episodes idly wishing that Tom and Diana would totally DO IT. Yeah! Nobody cares about that blonde chick/obvious Tom love interest, 4400 producers. Or the suddenly-prominent IT guys. Or the fact that Shawn has magically transformed into a total idiot. But everyone — EVERYONE — cares about Tom and Diana DOING IT. Just trust me on this one.
Second-Hand San Diego: Comic-Con 07
Jul 30I wasn’t at Comic-Con, but I spent large chunks of my weekend internet time reading stories about news and information that flowed from Comic-Con like so much sweet, sweet nerd honey.
Here’s the stories that made me tingle. In no particular order of tinglyness.
Dark Horse does Indiana Jones comics
Jon Favreau and Iron Man: VEGAS BABY
Guggenheim Goes Exclusive @ Marvel
Whedon raises 60K for Equality Now
Mark Waid becomes new Boom! Comics Editor in Chief
Third. Best. Opening. Ever. For. An. Animated. Film.
Jul 30The Simpsons Movie somehow managed to score a $72.9 million dollar opening weekend.
Holy crapoli. Them’s Shrek-size numbers!
Is it really THAT good? I’m dying to see it but come on now. That’s a heaping pile of crisp ten dollar bills, right there.
Hey, Nerd – you're giving nerds a bad name! Y'nerd.
Jul 27I don’t know that anyone has a good plan for dealing with trolls online, other than blocking them out. And if you can’t block them out, you might have to stand up to them. And if you stand up to them, they will likely just spaz more. It happens.
But I can tell you this about the link I am about to share – if you’re a troll online, then you are, in fact, a nerd (just, a dark part of the family, way off on the corner.) And if you, as a nerd, opt for crossing state-lines to commit arson, while posting it on the internet as proof… you’re still a nerd, only you have an anger management problem. Which is actually kind of common in online nerds.
Oh well, now you’re a nerd in prison.