BSG Tipsy Liveblog

BSG Tipsy Liveblog

Mar 20


Two glasses of Chardonnay. Half a sleeve of Thin Mints. Here we go.


9:02 Last week: All the series regulars on one side of the line and all the extras on the other! Oh, except you Baltar. You can go wherever.

9:04 Tigh’s drunkvoice sounds remarkably like mine. And Benjamin Sisko’s.

9:05 Does Kara want to have a threesome? Well, who wouldn’t, I suppose.

9:07 Tigh: “Rar rAR Rargh rarrararararar!” Adama: “Rarghblarg bleggityblah!”

9:10 No credits? They probably wanted to save time. But goddamn, I love that credits sequence.

9:14 I think Doc Cottle’s gravelly Crime Dog McGruff voice is going to make me cry. And it’s early still.

9:15 If Mary McDonnell doesn’t make me cry FIRST.

9:16 Oh, Sharon. Oh, Helo. Please make up before this show is over.

9:19 The way they light this show is fucking beautiful. The bright beam glaring down on Adama? The halo-y thing behind Tigh? The over-saturated brilliance of this Lee/Lampkin hand-off scene? Fucking. Beautiful. Wait, did they just say Romo is the new prez? Uh…well, OK. Can’t be worse than Baltar!

9:22 btw, what is going on with Lee’s hair? I like it. It’s all 70s and feathered and CRAZY. Scott Summersian, one might say.

9:24 Oh, no, the Star Trek trailer I ONLY WANT TO SEE ON THE BIG SCREEN. LOOK AWAY.

9:28 Caprica, just kick Baltar’s stupid ass. I wish she would say something ultra-scary/crazy to him right now. “Shut up, Gaius, or Caprica will CUT YOU.” (That’s her talking about herself in the third person.)

9:31 Shooty shooty! Bang bang! Special effects budget!!!

9:35 Hot Dog! Have we discussed how Hot Dog’s gigantic baby looks nothing like him?

9:37 Boomer is like one giant hormone. All she wants is love, man. She’ll take it from the Chief, she’ll take it from a desiccated oldey olderson with a pervy ballet fetish, she’ll take it from a fucking baby. LOVE.

9:42 Poor Sam. I would just like to say that another thing I love about this show is that there are no wasted characters. Everyone has a purpose, everyone fits into the puzzle in an important way. Yes, even Dualla.

9:44 Holy shit, Baltar and Caprica. You’re both an extreme form of crazy/beautiful, aren’t you?

9:45 Sharon face-off. Sharon face-offs are like my favorite things in the history of the world. “Today I made a choice. I think it’s my last one.” I am going to write fanfic consisting only of Sharon face-offs where the Sharons look at each other intensely and say awesome lines and rip each others’ hearts out.

9:46 I remember thinking at the end of the miniseries that it was SO LAME they made Sharon a Cylon, such a “gotcha” for gotcha’s sake, such a gimmicky gimmick. And I was so totally wrong.

9:53 Isn’t Chris still awake? He should come join me here. I’m going to go bother him.

9:56 Oh my God, creepy Cylon who dresses like a Banana Republic mannequin, you did *NOT* just shoot Helo.



10:00 This cutting together of the current scene and the opera house vision is amazing. p.s. NOT HELO

10:06 Did KFC give up on the Frak Pack? Oh, and that was a good speech, Baltar.

10:10 Oh, Tory. You can just say you’ve been a ho. It’s OK. Tigh: “Yeah, yeah, you’re forgiven. For being a ho.”

10:14 This is another thing I fucking love about this show. The fate of civilizations hangs in the balance and everything’s undone by one moment of pure human emotion.

10:19 Wolverine geek break. EMMA FROST EMMA FROST OMG YOU GUYS EMMA FROST. I know it doesn’t fit in with continuity. Don’t care. EMMA FROST.

10:24 Is Romo wearing a bathrobe? Or just a particularly voluminous blazer?

10:28 I wonder if Michael Trucco was pissed about having to lie half-naked in a pool of milk for this last arc? In other news, Starbuck’s distraught face totally guts me. And that’s another thing I adore about this show — she *did* love Sam. He wasn’t just a convenient stop or roadblock in her path to her true love or whatever. “See you on the other side.” GOD.

10:36 Old theme music. This must be where Ben started screeching like a little girl.

10:37 Tigh: “Blargblerrgityblagh!” Ellen: “Blahdeblergblaaaaagh! Teehee!”

10:44 Laura and Bill probably kill me most of all. This is beautifully reminiscent of their scene on New Caprica (only without the pot).

10:45 I’m sorry, I find Lee’s 70s hair weirdly sexy. “I don’t have much time, Son.” Frakking fuck.

10:48 That was such a perfect shot. The two kids side by side, Mom and Dad taking off into the sunset. Not coming back this time.

10:51 Oh, Lee. Come over here, I’ll comfort you. (Jeff says: “Kara got her wings, basically.”)

10:55 SOB. Gotta give it up to EJO — he could have Emmy clipped the shit out of that scene, and he didn’t. Beautiful.


11:02 Good-bye, imaginary friends! Wink, wink. I love the way this is wrapping back around and around and around through time. The things men do for love.

11:06 Hehe, Ron Moore.

11:07 OK, honestly, I could have done without this postscript. It doesn’t ruin anything, but it’s sort of unnecessary and over-explainy.

11:08 That’s it. Nicely played. It’s hard to be human, it’s hard to be Cylon, it’s hard to survive at all. But it can be done. Sometimes you end up left all alone, with your 70s hair and your tears and your own dubious freedom. Sometimes you float off into the ether, satisfied in your mad knowledge of Bob Dylan songs. Sometimes you get to settle down on New Earth with your ridiculously hot cane-toting husband. It can be done.


  1. kelly

    OMG I agree with you on the 70s feathered look. Why couldn’t they just trim his hair before battle. Sheesh. Also, I thank the BSG creators for finally giving us the Sharon faceoff. If you writer your fanfic, I promise to read it. 🙂

  2. Ben

    I thought to myself today, “If they manage to work the original music in there, not that–THAT–would rule. Nah, how would they manage to do that, what with the Bob Dylan and all.”


  3. Ben

    Aw frak. I forgot you’re three hours behind me. Just enjoy the ride. And the thin mints.

    So say we all.

  4. Ben

    Still, though, I can’t believe they were in the matrix the entire time. And when Adama woke up to find himself in bed with Don Johnson? That was just too much.

  5. Chris

    I’d come play, but Canada had to watch BSG on Toronto’s time – I’d be grumpy, but really, the poor saps in the Maritimes are the ones with the real gripe – they had to wait to watch AFTER US East coast.

    I will say this – watch the Helen and Tigh flashbacks. One of the last one, a waitress will bring shots. That’s my friend Natasha!

  6. Chris

    I’m looking at the tape, Jim!

    I’m determined to find Natasha again.

  7. helo couldn’t be dead cause he didn’t get a good death scene. tori got what was coming to her.

  8. Dan

    I assume people who are reading this have already seen the silly thing, so I’m not following the Peter David Anti-Spoiler Protocols. Just, y’know, FYI.

    Where the frak did Lee’s feathered Skywalker hair even come from? I honestly can’t recall it existing until last night’s finale.

    I was very satisfied. As finales go, I think it’s right up there with Buffy. The details were a little different, but this was pretty much the ending that I predicted back at the end of season 1.

    In the end, at least for me, this show was all about Tyrol. That poor guy was put through the ringer again and again. And, in the end, he goes off to live and die alone in what is, presumably, England.

  9. Matt

    damn, next time Sarah, share! 🙂 although we would have been on different time zones so hard to liveblog together. but still!

    I thought it was ridiculously cool. I cannot believe it started with one of the most kick-ass space opera sequences I’ve literally ever seen and then ended with dancing AIBOs.

    (And that’s why I probably couldn’t have liveblogged anyway–I would’ve just posted GAAAHHCOOL around the time when the fighting started.

    (SERIOUSLY. I was agape at how cool it was. The ship invasion, the space battle, fucking GALACTICA ramming the colony, then fucking GALACTICA being all falling-aparty right after the jump–unreal.)

    I liked the coda because it was kinda smart-assy and that seems sorta unprecedented to me. Like they totally had their cake of “here’s a big dramatic ending with music swell and Eddie Olmos on a hill,” and then they gave us these dancing robots that seemed to say, “Be careful, the Cylons could come from us…but probably not, because you use technology to do stupid-ass shit, you dumb asses.”

    I can’t believe it’s over. And I can’t believe Lee grew out that Farrah hair in like 24 hours.

  10. Sarah

    Kelly: Just wait, the fanfic is going to be awesome.

    Ben: I want to know if you actually did screech like a little girl.

    Chris: Your friend has fantastic hair!

    JT: The delicate-yet-meaningful grasping of bloody hands between Helo and Sharon is the sort of death scene I’d expect from this show. And I’m so happy it wasn’t a death scene.

    Dan: I know, can you blame Tyrol for wanting to get away from people of all kinds? Yeesh. I think if I had to choose a linchpin — someone for the show to be about for me — it’d be the Eights.

    Matt: I didn’t decide to do this until like 5 minutes before it started. 🙂 I tried to get Chris to play with me, but as you can see, he’d already seen it. I didn’t hate the coda…but I still think I could have done without it. Would’ve ended with a shot of Hera or something. Not that it is up to me. Do like the idea of Six slinking through Times Square.

    Let us all marvel at Lee’s superhuman hair-growing abilities.

  11. Ben

    I did not screech. I may have giggled like a little girl, but no screeching. And Lee may not have superhuman hair-growing powers. He may just have some killer space pomade.

  12. Didn’t Michael Trucco break his neck in a motorcycle accident, and that’s why he’s lying down for half the season? I might have the timing mixed up on that. (He’s fine now, but he was not-very-mobile for a while).

    It’s hard for me to talk about this show without sounding like a hater, when I really just feel complicated about it. But it was time for it to go and I think Moore stayed true to his vision, or something. I do feel like a geek era has passed.

    Nice blogging!

  13. Oh, also, as much as I liked Chief running off to be a wild man, it irked me that he apparently forgot all about the kid when he found out he wasn’t the father. I mean, that child is old enough to know who mommy and daddy are, I’m kind of perplexed that he was so angry about Cally he was willing to kill over her, but nonetheless completely dumped his son.

    And am I the only one who screamed, when Tigh said, “If someone had done that to Ellen. . .” HEY, DUDE, *YOU* DID THAT TO ELLEN!

    *sighs* See, I am a hater, I have no control over it.

  14. Jeff

    Didn’t get to watch this until earlier today, but HOLY FUCK was that good. Predictable in the best way, very in-character all around and every regular got to have their hell yeah moment. I cried when Adama put the ring on Laura’s hand – I’ll admit it. And I fucking cheered when Tyrol choked the shit out of Tory, even though his timing was regrettable.

    These last three hours reminded me why I sometimes have a massive crush on Kara Thrace.

  15. Sarah

    Caroline: Chief handing off his son to Hot Dog and then forgetting about the kid also bugged me a lot. I thought they were at least going to try to co-parent or something.

    Jeff: Kara’s ponytail, though no ultra-feathered 70s ‘do, was quite fetching.

  16. Jason

    I was really happy with the finale, it just hit all of its marks perfectly (though the robot-montage at the end did make me groan a bit).

    I did like at the end of it all, Hera ended up just being a symbol that Cylons and Humans could live (and breed) together, instead of being some type of magical being.

    Loved Tigh’s crack, “It’s still not too late to flush them all out the airlock…” right before going into battle.

  17. Matt

    Yeah, the Hot Dog/Tyrol thing has been bugging us for a while now; it was a kinda shifty way to just hand off the kid, and let Tyrol focus on more important things.

    I liked how Tyrol went off on his own, but it also was kind of annoying/weird how then suddenly EVERYONE was off on their own. I get that the Old Man wanted some time alone with his lady friend but it’s harsh to just hop in a raptor and ditch your son and adopted daughter. Then Starbuck vanishes, and Lee’s alone too!

  18. Sarah

    Poor Lee! Yeah, a lot of folks were left alone, that was kinda sad…but hey, the Agathons! And I guess Baltar and Caprica will be continuing some form of their crazy love.

    Caroline, I meant to tell you that it is okay to be a hater. You’re in a safe geek space. 😉

  19. Matt

    Just be careful because you never know who might claim “battlestar galactica is unarguably awesome” as their ScottnJean. 😉

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