Watchmerch: The Comedian's Funny Halloween

Watchmerch: The Comedian's Funny Halloween

Jan 26

What kind of asshole–what KIND of ASSHOLE–will be dressing up as the Comedian next Halloween???


Can you just imagine that douchebag staggering up to you at a bar on October 31, 2009, breath reeking of the stale booze he’s been chugging since noon, slurring out that speech about killing the pregnant lady in Vietnam and how “the real joke is getting in your pants, baby”?



  1. Um…not me. The thought never crossed my mind.

    *starts trying to cancel his pre-order*

  2. Kelly

    Personally I’d rather see someone dressed as The Comedian than Dr. Manhattan since, as this site points out, they’re only providing a face mask and hands… leaving the rest of the costume up to you. Eek!

  3. Ben

    Isn’t Nite Owl supposed to be fat and middle-aged? If so, then SCORE! I got myself a costume.

  4. Steve

    Matt?? Is that you in the picture???

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