Gail Simone in the NYT

Gail Simone in the NYT

Nov 27

If you heart Gail Simone as much as I heart Gail Simone, then you will be glad to see this Gail profile in the New York Times.

Get down with your bad self, Ms. Simone!

(I’m gonna go shotgun a Coors to offset that brazen display of flamboyance.)

Remember how Dumbledore is gay?

Remember how Dumbledore is gay?

Nov 21

This post by the astute Dorian of postmodernbarney fame sums up exactly why the whole “Oh, by the way, Dumbledore is gay” thing bothers me so much.

Retroactive attempts to diversify sexuality in your books don’t count, Jo.

We have a Baroness.

We have a Baroness.

Nov 20

To me, the G.I. Joe vs. Transformers thing is sorta like Beatles vs. Stones, or Star Wars vs. Star Trek–you either swing one way, or the other.

I was always a Transformers kid, but that doesn’t mean I can’t anticipate the sublime glory of a scenery-chomping Sienna Miller as the Baroness in Stephen Sommers’ upcoming G.I. Joe film adaptation.


There was always a level of campy over-the-top insanity to G.I. Joe–the Transformers was just so damned SINCERE. Thus, the success of the live-action Joe will depend on one thing, and one thing only:


I don’t even know who to suggest, honestly. It’s like asking who could play Jesus–there’s lots of dudes who look like Christ with long hair and a beard, but none of them can turn water into wine, y’know?

More, More, More on Digital Comics

More, More, More on Digital Comics

Nov 19

Brian Hibbs has a new Tilting At Windmills up at Newsarama, which is forcing my head yet again into thinking about digital comics, and though I have REAL work to do and I’m barely awake on a Monday morning, I gotta get this shit out.